Bart Chilton, former commissioner, CFTC
The future is now. Or, at least for those willing to join me to get a great glimpse of the future of finance and more, we are going there on a fantastic financial voyage. “Future Boys, Future Girls & Fortune Tellers” is where we start, but looking at the lessons of the past will guide us to having a better visual of our future. It’s there for those who look through the correct lenses and we’ll have those lenses with us in Chicago in April (16-17) at DerivOps North America 2018.
What does the past tell us about what will take place going forward? How will artificial intelligence impact markets? Will the innovative Cheetah traders change ALL markets? Is the future of finance fundamentally about crypto, or is that a fad that will fade away? How will investing for average folks be altered? Will Millennials and others make current investing models obsolete? And, what will the exchanges of the future look like in five or ten years.
It’s all is so very exciting, but will it be groovy and great? Perhaps not!
Might there be a time when it’s been long enough since the Great Recession’s global economic meltdown that we’ll once again be in a position where government officials and regulators allow those in the financial sector to rule the roost and ruin the economic world? What would a precursor to that look like? Would increases in consumer spending, rebounding home prices, increased auto sales, and a stabilizing and fairly low unemployment rate serve as an impetus for potentially dangerous economic destruction? What if there was a leader who touted getting rid of financial protection rules and regulations? Would that be the kicker?
All of these questions, and more, have answers. Some which we can envision if we take the time to examine them appropriately. We spend so much of our time in the present, dealing with our daily lives and our loves that we’ve become somewhat comfortably numb to the future. But with just a little pin prick, we can be financial fortune tellers in our own right. And, it won’t take a DeLorean — or a Tesla — to catch more than a fleeting glimpse out of the corner of our eyes.
Let’s do it.
(About the Author: Former CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton will be the keynote speaker at FTF’s DerivOps North America 2018 taking place in Chicago on April 16-17. The commissioner is a political and policy commentator, regular opinion editorialist, host of the daily business television program — Boom Bust with Commissioner Chilton — and the author of Ponzimonium: How Scam Artists Are Ripping Off America. He can be reached at bartchilton@bartchilton.com.)
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