Peter O’Connor at Numerix says key fixed income Ops issues can be resolved via the reliable combination of data, analytics & computation.

Peter O’Connor
product manager, FINCAD Analytics Suite, Numerix
Fixed income market participants are under pressure to develop systematic credit strategies and to improve their valuation and performance analytics capabilities. Yet Peter O’Connor, product manager, FINCAD Analytics Suite, Numerix, says these are data and computation problems much like other IT and Ops issues and firms will be able to catch up.
O’Conner, who is the focus of this latest episode of the FTF Exchange podcast series, also provides insight into related Ops challenges.
“When it comes to fixed income strategies, it’s a data problem. You can identify the approach you would take and typically enough … they’re looking to see which approaches work in terms of identifying mispricing,” O’Connor says.
“The second challenge, then, is data and getting data in real-time or at whatever frequency is needed. The catch-up is really in that and also in adopting cloud and whether things have containers and scaling for real-time needs. So it’s data and it’s computation,” he says.
“It’s very much the same old things because a lot of the analytics that we’re talking about … have always been there. Now they’re coming more to the fore and when they’re combined with real-time and doing more advanced things on top as a data-driven exercise it’s just more interesting these days.” O’Connor says.
In this podcast, O’Connor:
- Talks about his path to Numerix;
- Reviews the finer points of the FINCAD Analytics Suite, particularly how it helps with trading and operational issues and how it fits with other offerings from Numerix;
- Provides insight into fixed income market participants and their growing demands for precise pricing and risk analytics delivered intraday; and
- Covers the role FX plays in intraday fixed income transactions and the tools that firms need to navigate FX complications.
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