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Cyber-security vendor Wynyard Group has hired Andrew France OBE, the former deputy director of cyber-defense operations at British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) as its new strategic advisor of intelligence, officials say.
France spent the last years of his GCHQ career developing a national cyber-defense strategy for the U.K., and his hiring reflects a world in which “sophisticated cyber-threats have become increasingly prevalent and now top the list of concerns for Wynyard government and corporate customers around the world,” the company says in a statement.
“Our customers are increasingly concerned with managing risk, protecting sensitive data, intellectual property and critical computer-operated infrastructures against threats and disruption from organized crime syndicates and state-sponsored actors,” says Craig Richardson, Wynyard Group’s CEO, in a statement.
“Andy has deep experience working with governments and private companies across the world to keep information, technology and critical national infrastructures safe,” Richardson adds. “His risk management and intelligence experience will be invaluable to Wynyard and our customers.”
France joins other recent Wynyard hires from government agencies, such as Dave Johnston, the former commander of the London Metropolitan Police Homicde and Serious Crime Group, and Louis Grever, former executive assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), among others, officials say.
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- Dodd-Frank,
- FBI,
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- cyber-attack,
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