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Inalytics received a rare, positive double whammy this summer, says Rick Di Mascio, CEO of Inalytics.
The Inalytics DECSIS attribution framework won the award for Best Performance Measurement System via the FTF News Technology Innovation Award competition. The provider was also granted a patent for the framework.
“The new news, which is quite exciting, is that we’ve been granted [U.S.] patent protection for the framework, which we’ve won the award for,” Di Mascio says. “It’s a sort of double whammy — both winning the award and getting patent protection, which is really exciting.”
Winning the patent is significant for many reasons, Di Mascio says.
“Well, the patent means that we’ve developed the first major advance in attributions since Gary Brinson and his pals in 1986 and now that’s subject to patent protection,” he says.
“Brison is acknowledged for helping to establish the foundations of investment portfolio Performance Attribution by introducing the Brinson model, through two articles written by Brinson and Fachler (1985) and Brinson, Hood, and Beebower (1986),” according to the Wikipedia entry for Brinson.
The video chat also covered:
- A little of the history of the company and the Inalytics DECSIS Attribution Framework, including how it works;
- The kinds of clients that the framework is attracting;
- Why the framework must be data-driven; and
- The enhancements to come with an upgrade of the framework.
- Read More:
- DECISIS Attribution Framework,
- FTF News,
- Inalytics,
- Rick DiMascio,
- Securities Operations,
- analyytics,
- automation,
- back office,
- compliance,
- data management,
- performance attribution,
- performance measurement,
- wall street
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